UnScripted & Naked Honesty with Jeff & Andi

#SOS (Self Care on Steroids) Love Language Hacks

Coach Andi LaBrune Episode 9

Since you or anyone else close to you isn't a mind-reader... 🤷🏽‍♀️

Why is it that expressing the way we need to be loved is so damn hard?! If it's not for you... then this episode you don't need.

However, if you continually feel empty, unheard, misunderstood, and feel like you are just losing touch with someone on an emotional level...

Then yes, this is the episode for you.

Lust or love?

Honest or avoidance?

Sacred or just unwilling?


Whatever is holding you back... it held me back too and you aren't the only one. 🥺
Use these Love Language hacks to feel seen, loved, and emotionally SAFE to be loved.

It'll work 💯 if you do this ONE thing to make it a reality - and it's stupid easy to do!! 🙃

✨✨Bonus: Send me your "assignment" via DM @TheSkinnyMommy

Shoot us a message!


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