UnScripted & Naked Honesty with Jeff & Andi

Creating a (Real) Divorceless Marriage Here's What to Do (and NOT do)

โ€ข Coach Andi LaBrune โ€ข Season 2 โ€ข Episode 7

Sure, you said your vows and never-ever thought things would get bad...

But they did.

Your spouse wants out.

They've pulled away from you in more ways than one.

What's left... divorce right?

Not in my neck of the woods. ๐Ÿ˜

Despite BOTH of us stepping outside the marriage, debt, kids, and horrible communication skills, we made a VOW to really commit and keep true to those "for better or worse" vows.

PSA: Cheating/addiction/emotional detachment/illness/child-rearing difficulties/loss of a child/etc... ALL of these circumstances fall in the "for worse" category (and it's not limited to just those).  It's pertinent that you recognize the "for worse" - marriage is a commitment...Be married like it. 

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